Hey everyone! Seeing as it is Halloween this month and I am a massive fan of The Vampire Diaries, I thought now would be the perfect time to do this tag. I love doing tag posts and this is one I have wanted to do for such a long time, I just never got round to it. If you have never watched The Vampire Diaries before then you really must, its actually amazing! This tag may have a couple of spoilers so just a little warning before you read it. So, onto the questions...
How did you discover the show?
I didn't start watching The Vampire Diaries from day one I am afraid to say! It just happened to be on TV one night and I got really into it even though it was half way through a season and I didn't really know who was who or what was going on. The next day I ordered season 1 on DVD and got totally hooked! I think I finished the entire season in a week or so and ordered season 2 straight after that.
Who is your favourite character?
Damon has to be my favourite! Not only is he very pleasing on the eye, he just comes out with the best lines and is so sarcastic. I also love how he cares so much for Elena and half the time she doesn't even realise how he feels, it just makes you like him even more! Eek!
If you were a vampire, would you live off human or animal blood?
Neither! I would have to steal a few blood bags from hospitals, I know thats just as bad because they need them for all the sick but at least I wouldn't be hurting innocent people or animals. I just couldn't bring myself to do it.
Team Stefan or Team Damon?
Team Damon all the way! Stefan just really annoys me, he is just too 'nice' and a little boring. Damon really loves Elena and will literally do anything for her which I find really sweet and I just think they suit each other so much more. Damon is pretty horrible to lots of people and he isn't that popular with the other characters either but he means well. :)
What's your favourite supernatural power?
Thats actually a tough one as they all have their perks and their downfalls. To be a witch would be amazing and to have that power to do so many things would make life a lot easier but it does look painful sometimes and you could get yourself into a bit of trouble. Being a vampire would be pretty amazing too, being able to move so much quicker and be brilliant at everything you did couldn't be a bad thing, you would have to drink blood though and I cant imagine that would taste nice at all!
If you were a character, who would you be?
As much as I do like Elena, if I had to be anyone I would say Caroline. She becomes a vampire for a start and I think that would be pretty awesome but she is also really sweet yet tough. She totally loves her new vampire life and embraces it completely unlike Elena. I would kind of like to be Rebecca too because she is so confident, powerful and is really misunderstood but she is probably a little too evil for me.
Have you read the book series?
No I haven't. I keep thinking that maybe I should but apparently it is totally different from the TV show so I think it would just annoy me now. I think I will give it a miss. :)
Who is your crush in the series?
I think I already answered this, obviously Damon. He is easily the most good looking in the series and his attitude and personality just make him stand out so much more. Nuff said.
What was your first initial thought of the show and did it change after you saw it?
At first I thought it was going to just be like Twilight and very similar. That was why I didn't watch it straight away, I guess I thought it was a total copy. However, when I actually watched it I wouldn't believe how different it really was and was actually happy to be proven wrong. Now I am completely addicted.
Who is your favourite villain?
Oh it has to be Klaus. He is a funny villain because he is actually a really nice guy. He is definitely evil and doesn't mind killing a few people to get what he wants but he does care really and I think he just doesn't like to show too much. I really like him and you never know who's side he is going to be on.
So thats all the questions and my answers. I know this tag was originally on YouTube but that doesn't mean us bloggers cant have a go too. :) So I tag all of you Vampire Diaries fans out there to give this a whirl and let me know when you do, I would love to read your answers!
Lots of love
Luci xo