Thursday, 2 January 2014

Its 2014! My New Years Resolutions

Photo from WeHeartIt

Happy New Year to all of you! I hope you had a fantastic beginning to 2014. I can't believe its the start of a new year already, 2013 went so quickly! Today I wanted to do a quick post on what my new years resolutions are. I always try and make some every year and I nearly always give up within the first week or so but this year, I really want to try and stick with as many as possible and I figure if I write them down here, then it gives me a little more incentive to do so.

1. Find a job I love. I really want to find a new job thats a little more me this year. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate where I work at the moment but I am ready for a change and a new challenge and what better time to start looking then the new year. I just want to be able to wake up and look forward to going to work and doing something I like. I know its going to be difficult as a lot of things that I class as 'dream jobs' are nigh impossible for me to get into but I am going to give it my best shot. 

2. Get toned and become healthier. I am pretty sure I say this every year but this time I am really going to try. I just want to be a little more healthier and get toned up. I'm not fat by any means but I would like to look a lot trimmer and toned and work on my muscles a bit, I am beyond weak!

3. Drink more water. This is also about being healthier as I think I drink about 2-3 glasses of water a day which is appalling! Its not good for me at all and I must be so dehydrated all the time which is probably why I get lots of headaches and my skin is pretty dry. This is something I really want to work on this year.

4. Say yes more. I need to say yes to so many more things. I don't want to miss out on any exciting opportunities because I am too scared to give anything a go and instead of saying no because I am too tired or something I want to push myself to say yes and have a good time. 

5. Learn the piano. I have wanted to learn how to play the piano for years and I have finally decided that now is the time. I am going to try and self teach myself and see how I get on. I am not particularly musical but I am not going to let thats stop me. It should be pretty fun and who knows, I could have a talent I never knew about or at least develop a new skill.

6. Give blood. I kept meaning to do this last year but never got round to it. This year I want to do it at least once. Its so important to give blood as people need it all the time and the fact that I could change peoples lives is an amazing thought. 

7. Hypnotherapy for flying. I am a pretty terrible flyer and have been for years and years but I really want to see if I can do something about it and I heard that hypnotherapy can really help. Its something I want to look into and see if it could work for me.

8. Donate to charity. Lastly I want to make a bit of a difference, even if its just donating a a few pounds every month to a charity. Charities need donations all the time and its something I really feel like I want do. 

So thats my eight new years resolutions for 2014. I am hoping to stick to at least half if not all of them but we shall wait and see. Have you got any resolutions this year? What are they?

Luci xo

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