Friday, 28 February 2014

I'm back! Did you miss me?

So, this is the first time I have actually sat down and written a blog post for nearly a month now and it really feels like forever! Some of you may have wondered where I've been, or maybe you haven't even noticed which is absolutely fine! The truth is, I just lost all inspiration, motivation and my 'blogging mojo' and I just needed a little time away to let it all come flooding back. I guess you could say I took a little bloggers holiday.

I just couldn't think of anything I wanted to write about which was a horrible feeling and not one I liked having very much at all. When I started my blog a little under a year ago I had so many ideas for blog posts, I couldn't write them down quick enough and had endless lists I just created whenever something came to mind. The last month or so those lists have been pretty empty. The other problem I had was actually finding the time to take some decent photos that I felt proud of and liked enough to post. What with working full time, taking up new hobbies and applying for new jobs, I just couldn't find the time which really sucked. I also found I was putting a lot of pressure on myself to get at least three posts out a week if not more which is crazy!

However I am now back and am looking forward to writing some new blog posts and showing you guys what I have bought recently and a few products I adore. I have also decided to stop pressurising myself to do 'x' amount of posts a week or month. Its my blog after all and there shouldn't be a rule as to how many posts is okay. So yeah, the pressure is off!

If anyone else is struggling with writers block or you just feel like you need a little break, then go for it. I highly recommend it. It just gives you a chance to think up a few new ideas and gives your mind a little rest. :)

Luci xo

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